An attractive menu is of course a most important item for a restaurant and web geeks tend to make a big issue (and expense) of that opportunity by creating a menu in a PDF file, which is fine for printing but a disaster if the same file is used for mobile.
PDF stands for Portable Document File/Format and dates back to the Arc and while it has tried very hard to be mobile friendly it never really made it.
Other geeks will render your menu in html but unless that has been shoehorned by RSD it too will be unsuitable for user-friendly mobile viewing, and besides, where is it hidden at your website?
The Cloudboard system overcomes all those issues by rendering a completely standalone address which your customer can simply ask one of those cats like Cortana or Siri or whoever "open" (or just type it) or even if you want to be trendier still.
This is a new concept as of 2 July 2019 and as such is barely out of Schopenhauer Stage 1, so can your geek do one for you? Well yes he can but the Devil is in the utter simplicity which does not go down well in Geekland so after about a year it will reappear (as did Facebook 15 years ago) rebadged as FaceMenu or some such complete with CSS, DRS and sundry bells & whistles to de-simplify it.
So up to you if you want to be one of the first users and have your restaurant stand out as being innovative, trendy & cloudified.